
Sarracenia plants

VampireIs your hobby growing carnivorous Sarracenia, mine is too, but now I only grow Sarracenia that I have grown from seed. My old collection has been sold off, but you can still refer to the pictures of them on this website.

My new collection of Sarracenia plants and seedlings can be viewed here Sarracenia plants and seedlings grown from seed.

Sarracenia Ann Mundy

If you like to read short funny stories then visit my book www.lesburdett.co.uk all written by me, Les Burdett.

My old Sarracenia grow lists

The pages in this site contain the photographic record of my old Sarracenia collection. I love growing Sarracenia hybrids from seed, some that I buy in and others that I hand pollinate. I have maybe 2,000 seedlings at various stages and many of my own hybrids that have reached maturity, some of these are lovely plants, which makes the collection quite different from many others. My collection is housed in a 32' x 10' (10m x 3m) greenhouse which gets very good levels of sunlight from March to November. I have rainwater storage capacity of in excess of 4,000 litres, but I still get short of water when we have a prolonged dry spell.

The site contains pictures of many of the plants that I no longer have, but are all from my collection and are of plants of different ages and at different times of the year. They are labeled with the names under which they were bought by me.

I buy my greenhouses from

sarracenia greenhousesarracenia greenhouse
The Incredibly Sensible Greenhouse Company

Incredibly good service, highly recommended if you're in the market for a new greenhouse. This is mine below, it started life as 10' x 10', was extended to 26' x 10' and in July 2011 was extended again to 32' x 10'. All I need now is a wide angle lens!
